Many children across Ukraine are unable to attend school due to the constant threat of bombs and shelling. This compounded by the COVID pandemic has meant that some have barely ever attended a school.
Ukrainian education has adapted though and remote learning is used extensively to minimise the impact. While Internet access is good, many children are missing the hardware to work this way. Often children are huddled over a parents smartphone trying to follow lessons.
This campaign sets out to help children by giving them the equipment they need- a tablet Computer.
Working with our Ukrainain partners we have sourced suitable devices and now invite our supporters to buy a tablet for a child. But unlike many charity gifts- this tablet is real and the to prove it we will invite children to record individual thankyou message for you or someone else who you wish to gift this in the name of.
We think this is the first ever application of "Direct Digital Aid" where we are connecting donors and recipients across the world.
We are also offering the opportunity to buy quarter shares in a tablet. This is a more affordable option but naturally any message will be more generic.
Optionally, you can save your purchase to your account by Signing in.
If you don’t have an account, you can Sign up to create one.