Dads Rock
Our focus is on helping dads to be the best they can be for their children and communities, especially those who may be excluded or feel out of place from current parenting services. Since 2012, we have been serving disadvantaged communities, providing assistance to dads, children, and families who are most in need.
Each year we:
• Provide one-to-one support to 40 disadvantaged young dads
• Mentor over 60 dads in our national Perinatal* peer support service
• Working to support 50 families referred by the NHS
• Provide free weekly playgroups to 180 dads and 230 children
• Deliver Dads antenatal, hairstyle, feeding, sleep training and Raising Children with Confidence courses to over 600 dads and mums
• Connect over 600 dads online, giving them a safe space to ask questions and talk about their experiences.
*When you first learn you will be a Dad and up to your baby’s first birthday.