Perkins sadly started out, as yet another unwanted and abandoned foal.
Named after one of the very kind ladies who helped to transport him to Here4Horses HQ, we feel ‘Perkins’ suits him very well. He was so lucky to be found before he met a miserable fate, like so many others before him.
Weaned from his mother much too early in August 2019, Perkins was un-used to being handled, was visibly distressed, dehydrated and extremely hungry. He would desperately try and suckle for milk from any companion (male or female).
Thankfully, he adapted to foal milk formula, fed to him from a bucket and quickly improved as a result. Perkins has slowly returned to full health – sometimes a full recovery from a bad start can take up to a year.
His cute face and innocent demeanour, means he attracts many admirers and he dislikes anyone stealing his limelight!
Perkins has been given time to grow and is currently in the queue to start training in preparation for the backing process.
We will then give him a little more time to mature before finding him a little, loving partner for him.
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