Despite being in fairly good body condition on arrival, it took many months to bring Parsley to good health; he had a heavy worm infestation and suffered repeated bouts of scouring (diarrhoea).
As a result he needed prolonged medication to allow his inflamed gut to heal. It is unlikely he would have survived without this timely intervention.
Parsley has now grown and is fully mature. From a sad, straggly little unwanted mite, he is now a beautiful, 'leg at each corner' mini cob, with a fountain of mane and lots of silky feather, (the name given to the long hair on their legs).
His early issues are thankfully long behind him and he now carries excess weight rather too easily!
Parsley was (and still can be) a rather shy character and unlike many of our ponies who jostle for attention, he will carefully and very sweetly, wait to introduce himself to visitors.
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