It’s easy to forget the sorry state we found Crusoe in, when we were called to rescue an abandoned foal in late summer of 2018. He is thankfully rather bright eyed and bushy tailed in comparison these days. He was very thin, crawling with lice and suffering from a heavy infestation of intestinal worms.
We heard about him almost by chance. Social media posts from alarmed members of the public brought him to our attention. Trustee Claire Robinson (hence the play on his name), embarked upon a search for him and he was eventually discovered, weak and wobbly, on the edge of an industrial estate on Teesside.
Once safely in our care, he thankfully made very good progress and little by little, a duckling has turned into a swan.
Crusoe still has plenty of time to grow and mature before he will be produced under saddle, ready for our Loanie Pony Scheme. Until then he gets to have endless fun, eat lots of grass, sleep a lot and learn a little about how to be a safe child’s pony. He has found pony paradise – and he deserves it!
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