
Dursley Primary Academy School Association Presents: Colour Run 2024 - Saturday 15th June 2024

Information Sheet

Please read the following information before you buy tickets

Tickets are available at https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/event/dursley_school_colour_run_2024

Please arrive promptly by 1:30pm if you are participating in an infant race, and by 2:30pm if you are participating in the juniors race, so that we can sign you in and issue you with your wristbands

Summer fair games and refreshments will be available from 12 noon and we encourage you to come early if you can.

All children must be supervised during the event. Spectating is free and all are welcome to enjoy the summer fair.

There will be photography and filming at the event (by the school association and by spectators) by buying a ticket you consent to appearing in photographs

We recommend that the runners wear white t shirts in order that the paint shows up best.

Before the run, runners will be doing a warm up, and will also get wet, this makes the coloured powder stay on, and the colours vibrant.

During the event, runners will run around a track on the school field and have coloured powder thrown at you. The aim is to get as colourful as you can. It is not a timed race, the more you run, the more colourful you will be

The powders that are thrown are 100% safe, non toxic and biodegradable. However clothes worn may become stained and we recommend you don't wear your best clothes or shoes.

We cannot take responsibility for stained clothes or belongings.

We recommend that you wear sunglasses or goggles to protect your eyes from the powder. If it does get in your eyes, wash it out immediately at the first aid station.

The powder should not cause harm, how ever we recommend you do not take part if you have a respiratory, skin or medical condition. If in doubt please consult your GP before buying a ticket.

The car park will open at 1pm. Parking will be very limited and we would encourage you to walk or cycle if possible. If you are driving, you will need to bring towels to cover your car seats, and wipes.

Toilets will be available.

Refreshments and some other items will be available. We recommend you bring a water bottle, and cash to purchase refreshments.

If you have any questions or are able to sponsor or otherwise support the event please contact schoolassociation@dursley.dgat.org.uk

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Dursley Primary School Association

School association for primary school.

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