We have teamed up to take on the Battle Cancer Challenge on Sunday 15th October to raise money for 'Something To Look Forward To', because we have all had family members and friends who have unfortunately passed away due to cancer and the complications that come with it.
Seeing them become more housebound with very little left to spark everyday joy, and not being able to experience things with their family and their friends anymore is why we love to support 'Something To Look Forward To', as we feel they have really filled a void in the world of those affected by Cancer. Providing the experiences and gifts that they do to so many people, in such a difficult situation, is just so important and special.
Also when isn't challenging yourself and setting personal goals, be it for charity or just for yourself, not fun and rewarding!?
Please support our teams effort, by donating, to raise money for this wonderful charity!
From Charlotte, Jess, Ed & John
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