Horses have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.
My early love of these very special animals came from my mum and has continued to grow over the years.
I was convinced from the beginning that I would make a career in the equestrian industry and studied horse care at Houghall College in Durham, as a result.
It was there that I met Here4Horses Trustees, Wendy and Linda (they were tutors there) and I remain grateful to them for inspiring me further.
We have kept in touch over the years and I wanted to do something to help Here4Horses – so here I am, ready to run for a great cause!
I’ve always kept fit and the Great North Run has been on my bucket list for a while.
When the opportunity to represent this very worthwhile charity came along, it was a no-brainer.
Visits to the gym and sprints up the Sele in Hexham, have formed part of my rigorous regime and I hope I’m ready to rise to the challenge.
Please give what you can and help me raise lots of money!
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