
We need your support to make Christmas Day 2023 happen.

SLXD is organising a very special event, providing a safe, loving place for care experienced young people to enjoy a magical Christmas Day. We will be welcoming in people aged 18-25 that have grown up in foster care and children’s homes, giving them a Christmas meal and giving them a Christmas experience they will never forget.

Last year we were humbled by the generosity of your support, together we raised nearly £15,000 to support young people in South London and Ealing. We want to continue this momentum and make this year our biggest Christmas Dinner yet!

The Christmas Dinners is an annual event created by writer and care leaver Lemn Sissay OBE and run entirely by volunteers. Its mission and purpose is to ensure that no care leaver is alone on Christmas Day. With over 30 events happening nationwide each year, The Christmas Dinners serves to create happy memories at what can be a difficult time for many.

Your donation will show our young guests they are worth investing in, and that there are people like you out there, people who care.

Your kind support will go towards paying for each young person to receive a special Christmas Day dinner, some wonderful presents, and an essential hamper each to support them in the days after our Christmas Day event.

Here's an idea of what your donation can help us with:

£20 pays for a Christmas dinner for a young person.
£30 pays for an essential food hamper.
£50 pays for household essentials (such as bedding and towels.)
£100 pays for a WOW present for a young guest.

Every donation big or small makes such a difference in helping to make our Christmas Dinner happen and gives our guests the opportunity to celebrate the festive season together, feel supported and loved by the community, and create some lasting happy memories.

Since 2021 we have also been supporting our sister event Ealing Christmas Dinner. If you would like your donation to support Ealing directly, please note that in the comment box.

Thank you very much.


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South London Christmas Dinner 2023 from South London Christmas Dinner

The Christmas Dinners is an annual event created by writer and care leaver Lemn Sissay OBE. Its mission and purpose is to ensure that no care leaver is alone on Christmas Day. With over 30 events happening nationwide each year, The Christmas Dinners serves to create happy memories at what can be a difficult time for many.

South London Xmas Dinner (SLXD) is run entirely by volunteers who have come together to give young care leavers, aged 18-25, a very special Christmas Day. For some of them this year may be their first Christmas alone and independent, so providing them with a sense of safety and warmth is of the utmost importance.

As we begin our 2023 campaign, we need your support to make this Christmas Day happen.

Your donation will show our young guests that they have a family, that they are cared for and loved, and that they are able to create memories to hold onto.

Your kind support will go towards paying for each young person to receive a special Christmas Day dinner, some wonderful presents, and an essential hamper each to support them in the days after our Christmas Day event. Every little bit makes such a difference in helping to make Christmas Day happen for these young people and show that they are supported and loved by their community.


£2,175.00 raised of £5,000.00 target by 40 supporters

£1,860.00 donated plus £315.00 in GiftAid

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From 1st January 2023. Until 31st December 2023.


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