Our son Ben was born in June1986, 7 weeks early and weighing just 3lb 5oz. A rare condition, OA/TOF (Oesophageal Atresia / Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula) was quickly diagnosed, along with additional complications causing a blockage in his bowel. This required major surgery at less than a day old, carried out by a brilliant surgeon at the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford.
Ben’s early years were very challenging, both for him and us, with mealtimes especially difficult, and the later onset of the ‘TOF Cough’ causing us all many sleepless nights. Regular visits to both doctor and hospital became a part of our lives, with various bits of food (and non-food!) becoming stuck in Ben’s oesophagus, requiring endoscopic removal under anaesthesia. This included a memorable trip to Montreal Children’s Hospital during a visit to family in Canada when, unbeknown to us, Ben helped himself a piece of steak off a BBQ which promptly became stuck!
During Ben’s first year we were introduced to the TOFS charity, where we were able to meet and share experiences with other families going through similar issues with their own TOF children. These get togethers were invaluable and, together with the information and support provided by the charity, really helped us through those early years, something we’ve never forgotten.
Ben’s swallowing difficulties became less and less as he grew older, and today he just takes a little longer than the rest of us to finish meals (probably with the words ‘chew Ben, chew’ still resounding in his ears!).
Whilst the TOF cough is no longer an issue, when Ben does get coughs & colds we are reminded of those early years and the wonderful support provided by TOFS, a relatively small charity that needs all the help it can get. Hence why I am taking on the Ride London 60 mile challenge in May 2024 to give a little back to the charity by raising some much needed funds. I hope you can support me in my efforts, and any contribution you can make, no matter the value, will be hugely appreciated.
Many Thanks!