We are living through unprecedented times where hardship is being felt by many of us.
At Dundee Women's Aid we support women who have to take safe refuge in what we will call a safe space, a safe house. Uprooted, disrupted and facing adversity having had to leave their home, often with children.
It is inconceivable that on top of leaving a home with the clothes on your back, that you face the same challenges to heat your home with escalating energy costs.
Therefore, we are setting a target to raise £20,000 to assist those in our refuges over this winter so that they do not face hardships over and above the one in which they already face.
We also do not want to see any person return home to a place that they face domestic abuse because they cannot keep themselves warm or their children.
We ask you to consider giving up your coffee today, or your hot drink which you buy on a treat day, we ask you to consider donating a small sum that could go towards a hardship fund.
Let's do this together.... Pledge your support today and be part of a future that has a zero-tolerance approach to domestic abuse.
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