From the moment you are diagnosed with cancer, your life is taken over by hospital visits, treatments, tests, uncertainty and having treatment during a pandemic made this even harder. Having to attend treatment everyday was a very lonely place and recovery has been hard with having to shield and isolating with now having to work at home. The charity 'Something To Look Forward To' benefits people affected by cancer by providing positive things to look forward to which have been generously donated by companies and kind individuals.
Little did we know that just 18 months after my diagnosis my world would be turned upside down once again when my husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer in June of 2021. During Adaline’s first two years of life she has had to watch both of her parents battle cancer and witness first hand the gruelling effects of cancer treatment.
After two long years of both of us battling cancer the gifts providing by 'Something To Look Forward To' gave us an opportunity to forget about cancer and spend quality time together as a family. We are all so grateful and have made memories that will last a lifetime.
Considering this, I am now fundraising for this charity so they can help other families like ours and I will be taking on the challenge of swimming 30 miles during the month of June.
Please sponsor me to help me reach my target and don't forget to tick the gift aid box!
Thank you in advance,
Rebecca x
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