In 2024 I’ve booked myself in to do three swim events and a run event from August through to October - a good swim run challenge for me to complete.
I’m raising money for the Moira Fund - a charity that supports people who have found themselves bereaved through violent death at the hands of another, and in memory of Moira Jones who had her life tragically cut short in Queens Park Glasgow, in 2008 (when she was just 40 / 4 years younger than I am now).
The events I’ve entered are:
17 Aug: Loch Tay - 1,500m swim - done!
31 Aug: Loch Lomond - 5,000m swim - done!
14 Sep: Loch Morlich - 3,000m swim - done!
6 Oct: Glasgow Half Marathon Run - 21.1km - done! 1:51!
27 Oct: Moira Jones 5k, Queens Park - done - 27 mins
10 Nov: Jimmy Irvine 10k, Bellahouston - 10km
(That’s just over 44.5km for anyone counting, and it should take me over 6 hours in total in the events - with many more hours of training).
The charity always struck a chord with me as I use the park regularly and her death seemed so needless and shocking at the time. I run through or around the park often and I’m keen to raise funds in her name and for people who are supported by the charity.
The run swim challenge will most definitely be a challenge for me as I’ll need to balance swim training for three different distances as well as building up my long runs to half marathon distance over three months. Wish me luck!
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