Jo, Thea, Ben and John are taking on Battle Cancer London on Sunday 15th October in aid of 'Something To Look Forward To'.
We all have our reasons for taking on this challenge and raising vital funds for a cancer charity who grants donated gifts and experiences to people affected by cancer poverty.
Jo is standing in solidarity with her amazing friend who is currently battling ovarian cancer and doing an awesome job of it! Jo hopes that taking on this challenge with help raise awareness of ovarian cancer and of course raise vital funds to help people like her friend enjoy life whist going through treatment, surgery and beyond.
Thea has had a family member affected by cancer and is always looking to support charities that help people affected by the disease. It's a horrible illness and we need all the support we can to improve the lives of those affected.
Battle Cancer is an insane fitness competition where we will sweat...a please sponsor us what you can to help us reach our target.
Thank you!
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