I am taking part in the Kingham Primary School REALLY BIG RELAY 2021 on Saturday 24th April.
Please support me by sponsoring me to run my part of the race, and help me hit my target of £50!
Along with 60 other children from Kingham Primary School, and some of our teachers, we are each running a mile - up and down the Cotswolds hills - as part of a giant relay to raise money for our school's STAYING CONNECTED APPEAL to replace old and obsolete IT equipment. We hope to raise enough to get a full class set of 30 iPads so that everyone, from Nursery to Year 6 can use them to enhance their learning at school.
We are almost there - as a school we have raised £6,000 so far and we hope that the Really Big Relay will help us to reach the target of £8,000.
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