Our son Corey was born in February 2022 with tracheo-oesophageal fistula and oesophageal atresia (OA/TOF), leaving him unable to swallow. To date he has been through 14 operations, numerous hospital stays and is fed via a tube into his intestine. His most drastic procedure was a gastric pull-up, whereby his stomach was tubularised and pulled into his neck to act as a replacement oesophagus. For many months he had to endure an oesophagostomy, where his oesophagus was pulled into the side of his neck - leaving his clothes constantly soaked from saliva.
The condition, which in Corey's case is accompanied with a number of other issues with his kidney and heart, leads to lifelong complications. He suffers from extreme reflux, is very susceptible to bugs and infections and will have to take on a heavily adapted diet and feeding regime even in adulthood. None of this puts our boy off his stride. He's extremely cheeky, has a wicked smile and loves nothing more than to cause mischief and wreak havoc around the house! He also loves his older brother, Callum, and takes time to look after his baby cousins and younger children at nursery.
In June 2024 his Dad, Ross, will take on Race to the Kings - a gruelling 100KM (62 mile) ultra marathon across the south of England. This is part of the family's fundraising efforts for TOFS, a charity who are working towards a world in which those born with OA/TOF live long and healthy lives, unconstrained by the impact of being born with these conditions.
For media enquiries of follow up questions contact rossjeavons21@gmail.com. For more on TOFS charity visit tofs.org.uk/
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