Welcome to the fundraising page for the Streatley Primary School Everest Climb!
On Friday 30th June pupils at Streatley Primary took part in a sponsored hill climb on Lardon Chase, Streatley. Each child walked or ran to the summit of Lardon Chase as many times as they could (a climb ~64-66 metres elevation!).
The goal was that, putting all their climbs together, we would reach the summit of Everest (8849 metres).
The results are now in!
Total number of acensts of Lardon Chase = 312.5 climbs (equivalent to 20,625m)
One ascent of Mount Everest = 134 ascents of Lardon Chase, so the children climbed it not once, but twice!
Class climb totals:
FS = 25
Yr1 = 29
Yr2 = 36
Yr3 = 67
Yr4 = 48.5
Yr5 = 62
Yr6 = 48
After the climb, children enjoyed a home-made treat, and in school they will receive a certificate with their name and number of completed climbs.
The children have been so excited to see the fundraising for this event, our thanks go to all the people who have donated and made this a huge success.
To pledge a donation, please click on the link below or the 'Donate' button above.