The Muscle Help Foundation
Small family charity delivering highly-personalised, transformational experiences in the UK called Muscle Dreams for young people with the muscle wasting disease Muscular Dystrophy and allied neuromuscular conditions.
Muscular Dystrophy is the single biggest genetic killer of children in our world today. It robs sufferers of their mobility, their independence and for those with the most severe type, predominantly children, their lives. There is no known treatment.
The charity has touched the lives of 1000’s of people across the UK, from families and local communities to schools and businesses – its impact and reach continues to grow. Find out more about MHF's innovative #powerof657 national campaign that’s sits at the heart of everything the charity does, a campaign designed to drive awareness of its work but also generate vital funds so the charity can move closer towards its goal of delivering 657 Muscle Dreams, that's one for every muscle in the human body.