St. Guthlacs is used by a range of communities, as well as for religious services twice a month. These communities include: school choirs and others wishing to rehearse and perform their repertoires; art groups wanting to exhibit their work; history groups organising talks and exhibitions; bell-ringing groups for practices and peals; walking and cycling groups following popular local routes; conservation groups studying the churchyard. The Friends organise Open Days with refreshments throughout the year, and summer garden parties and picnics.
As we have no toilet facilities we currently need to provide portaloos for most of these activities. This is expensive and less than convenient!
As we have no kitchen or running water we currently need to prepare all refreshments elsewhere and transport them to the church on the day.
To install running water, drainage, toilet and kitchen facilities, and an accessible footpath from the road to the church will cost around £12000.
We can bid for 50% of this to national funding bodies but we need to raise the other £60000 ourselves.
Please help us if you can