The Southern Uplands Partnership (SUP) is a registered charity, with a mission to keep people living and working in rural southern Scotland by promoting sustainable use of the region's abundant natural resources. Every penny raised works hard for delivering our broad range projects, which include: South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project, SWS Environmental Information Centre, Connecting Threads - Tweed River Culture, Wildseasons, equestrian tourism, Wild Land Area community project, a new 85 mile coastal trail from the border with England to Ayrshire, Black Grouse uplands restoration, electric vehicle charging, net zero retrofitting buildings...
We integrate: bringing together a diverse range of bodies whose common interests are thriving communities and sustainable land use. We find common ground and make winning collaborations happen. We initiate: experts in getting projects off the ground and, crucially, in making sound socio-economic and environmental arguments to secure funding. We innovate: finding new ways of working and promoting innovative solutions for sustaining local communities and nature.
Since 1999, SUP has initiated over 60 significant socially and environmentally sustainable projects and secured and invested over £4M of funds. See website for more information on the diverse range of projects we develop and deliver Help us continue our work by making a donation or becoming a member.
If your donation is towards a specific project, please let us know which project you are supporting. Thank you!
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