POWER PLEAS is a Wolverhampton based small registered charity that since 1987 has provided outdoor electrically powered wheelchairs and other aids for children with mobility disorders. Over200 young people have benefited from wheelchairs and Trikes that could not have been obtained under the state provision.
The charity has a committee that comprises local people from different backgrounds, Paediatrician, Physiotherapist, Head Teacher, Parents and until January 2017 one of our early beneficiaries – all totally voluntary. This group manages the charity and a sub-group assesses the youngsters and the suitability of both the child and the proposed wheelchair or mobility aid.
Financial support has been received from major sources such as Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club, Children in Need, The Coop Community Fund, the National Lottery but local support has been a strong feature too. An example of this is the Rotary Club of Tettenhall who have helped almost every year since 1995 with either a donation or an annual collection.
The charity retains contact with the young person and has often funded a replacement machine – ensuring that teenage years are enjoyed with greater independence and enhanced dignity because of the gift of extra power!
We have no paid staff and all our dionationd are used for our charitable porposes. Your help will be greatly appreciated .
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