Members of the Ponthafren team are running the Newtown 10K on the 26th May to raise money for our fabulous charity.
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Members of the Ponthafren team are running the Newtown 10K on the 26th May to raise money for our fabulous charity.
Optionally, you can save your purchase to your account by Signing in.
If you don’t have an account, you can Sign up to create one.
Ponthafren is a registered charity, offering services to people who experience mental health issues, those who may be socially isolated or excluded, or those who may just wish to make new friends or gain new skills.
“To provide a caring community, offering support to those in need and to promote positive mental health and well-being for all.
Ponthafren's services include: well as offering numerous groups, classes and training!
£520.00 donated plus £93.75 in GiftAid