Heart 4 Harlow is an expression of churches partnering together and with the wider community for the good of Harlow and the surrounding villages. We seek to encourage a united Christian response to the needs of Harlow. At our heart are three things:- Prayer ? We meet reguarlalry to pray for our town, click here for details. Partnership ? With the churches through a regular Christian Leaders Forum and with the wider community including the Council, charities & business. Participation ? We believe we are called to take action to respond to the needs of our town. Sometimes directly, e.g. through our College Chaplains and Hope 4 Harlow (Churches providing shelter for the homeless) and sometimes through supporting others (e.g. MRCT, Streets2Homes, Harlowsave coop, Street Pastors) Flowing from these come 5 areas of partnership and engagement:- Commerce (Shops and Business) Civic (Local Authority & Councillors, MP, Police and Fire Services) Art, Culture, Education and Sport (Schools, College & UCH, Arts associations, Sports Clubs and Associations) Health & Wellbeing, (Charities and Community Groups, NHS and the care sector) Churches and Chaplaincy
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