The Great Racecourse Relay
The aim is to raise money solely for Haverfordwest Racecourse. This is a rare community amenity space run by a local committee.
The racecourse boasts football pitches, Haverfordwest cricket club, dog walking, wildlife areas and our local Parkrun. It is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a week, and recently put out a call for £30,000 funding for building work.
The racecourse also hosts Haverfordwest Parkrun which is a free weekly timed run; it attracts 150+ runners every Saturday morning throughout the year. This organisation has organised nearly 300 weekly runs open to all abilities.
To support this community open access amenity, we are organising a free-to-enter running event in a unique and challenging format.
The Relay
This challenge is to have one baton passed non-stop between local runners for one whole day in October. In that 24 hour period, the baton will travel over 240Km (148 miles). Each runner will bear the baton along the 5 kilometre Parkrun course and pass it to the next person in the list. Success is by no means certain. It will need determination, trust and coordination. Runners will face whatever conditions the weather can throw at them, by night and by day.
If you would like to donate to support this event please click on the donate button
Event Location:
Haverfordwest Racecourse Event HQ
(Car park adjacent to Haverfordwest cricket club)
Event time and date:
Start of first run 09:30am Friday 25th October 2024
Start of Final run 09:00am Saturday 26th October 2024
The Coordinators:
Runners - Kevin Wheeler 07973 419825
Business Donors –
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