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ELMS works to educate and inspire future generations throughout the UK and the world on the role of the WW2 Escape Lines. The Escape Lines were used by Allied service personnel and others who found themselves stranded behind enemy lines and, assisted by Helpers, either evaded capture or escaped after capture. The Helpers of the Escape Lines saved the lives of many of these people by sheltering, feeding, nursing and guiding them to safety, usually back to the UK. ELMS’ objectives are: (1) to educate the public on the role of the Escape Lines, including historical archive and research activities and maintaining Freedom Trails (Commemorative Walking Memorials). (2) to assist any Helpers who are now in need themselves due to their wartime activities.’ ELMS aims to engender in current and future generations a sense of citizenship through recognition and respect for the Helpers and veterans, many of whom gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, in order that we may live in freedom, and serves as an important source of study of humanities.
£325.00 raised by 5 supporters
£300.00 donated plus £25.00 in GiftAid