Emergency food for local people in crisis. Chorlton & Didsbury foodbank in Manchester is part of the Trussell Trust national network of foodbanks, providing a minimum of 3 days worth of nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people in crisis in Chorlton and Didsbury. We started in 2014, and in the year April 2021 to March 2022 we provided 1200 food parcels, providing over 1,800 adult meals and 1200 children’s meals. We collect non-perishable food which is donated by the public through supermarkets, schools, churches, and businesses.
Support partners such as Social Housing organisations, Citizens Advice in addition to front line care professionals such as social workers, doctors etc refer people to the foodbank with a voucher which is exchanged for 3 days worth of food. Over a chat and a drink we listen and are also able to signpost clients to other agencies for support. Any donation will help us to be able fill the gaps in our stock when we have shortages of items and to help us with the costs of running the foodbank.
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