Please use this page to donate to Blue Highlands Bird Rescue.
As well as 24/7 crisis care we work hard to rehabilitate and wild release every native bird that we can.
We are a safe haven for our feathered friends - abused and confiscated birds, those that need refuge or long term care, electrocution victims, those suffering after impact injuries, gun shot wounds, and those who topple or escape from nests or predators....we are here.
Birds also come to us from other welfare centres and organisations like the SSPCA, court cases, vets, zoos, and especially concerned members of the public. From Eurasian Eagle Owls to song birds, from Snowy Owls to rooks, we offer a forever home to the disabled, rehabilitation for the injured, and hope for the hurt.
Our work also includes genetically diverse breeding programmes which help ensure that species such as the rare Hyacinthine Macaw, Edwards Pheasants and the Crested Roul-Roul will be conserved for all of our grandchildren to see—even if they disappear entirely from the wild. Enjoy the education, and if you can do, join us in our efforts!
Blue Highlands Bird Rescue is a member of One Voice for Animals UK who are bringing together hundreds of small animal charities, non-profits and their supporters who have all been impacted by Covid-19 and are needing additional fundraising support to survive.
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