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Barnet Open Door Centre
The Open Door Centre is an award-winning community centre serving the community of High Barnet, in particular older members of that community. Thanks to the generosity and hard work of so many we were able to ‘buy back’ the adjacent building that once served as the original place of worship and school for Christ Church. Barnet and have transformed it into a Community centre where people can just drop in for light refreshments, lunch and a warm welcome during the week or hire the Centre for meetings, events and celebrations. The Centre is run by a registered charity, the John Trotter Trust. The Trustees are about to embark on the final stage of an ambitious re-development of the Centre. This will involve inserting a new first floor and extending the ground floor to enable the Centre to respond even more effectively to the needs of the community.
£62.50 raised by 1 supporters
£50.00 donated plus £12.50 in GiftAid